Classical Studies at Purdue

  • CORAX COURSES: click here for syllabi, course policies, and other resources for courses taught by Professor Kirby

  • Check out the extensive Classics course listings at Purdue. Courses in ancient Greek and Latin grammar; courses in Greek and Latin literature; and also Classics in Translation. Everything you need to access the ancient world! We are adding new courses all the time, too. From this link you can get to a complete listing of our Greek, Latin, and Classics courses, with descriptions of each; also a listing of courses being offered in the current and upcoming semesters.

  • CLASSICS-RELATED MAJORS AND MINORS AT PURDUE: Purdue now has undergraduate majors and minors in both Latin and Classical Studies! These academic curricula, which have been in planning since 1987, have recently come to fruition in the University Senate. See your academic advisor now about switching to Classics! Plans are also underway to expand our Greek literature offerings.

  • In addition to the Classics section of the Department of Forelgn Languages and Literatures (FLL), Purdue has an Interdisciplinary (IDIS) Program in Classical Studies. Check it out!

  • International Programs at Purdue: Study Abroad

    Since 1998 Professor Kirby has been actively involved with Purdue's Study Abroad programs in London, Oxford, and Florence, both as a participant and as a program director. For more information on the latest Corax Study Abroad tour, click here.

    To read the Purdue International Programs Faculty Profile on Professor Kirby, click here.

    Letters of Reference for Students

  • LETTERS OF REFERENCE: If you are thinking of requesting a letter of reference, click here

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