General Bibliography

Note: Editions, commentaries and translations are listed under the ancient author's name.

Allen, W. S., Vox Graeca, 3rd ed., Cambridge 1987

Aristotelis Ars Rhetorica, ed. W. D. Ross, Oxford 1957 (OCT)

Aristotle, Poetics, ed. and trans. S. Halliwell; Longinus, On the Sublime, ed. and trans. W. H., Fyfe (revised by D. A. Russell);

Demetrius, On Style, ed. and trans. D. Innes (based on W. Rhys Roberts) (revised Loeb Library edition), Cambridge, MA 1995

The Rhetoric of Aristotle, with a Commentary, ed. E. M. Cope (ed. and rev. J. E. Sandys), 3vols., Cambridge 1877 (repr. Dubuque, Iowa 1966)

Atkins, J. W. H., Literary Criticism in Antiquity, 2 vols., Cambridge 1934

Bakker, E. J., ed., Grammar as Interpretation: Greek Literature in its Linguistic Contexts, Leiden 1997

Blass, F. W., Die attische Beredsamkeit, 2nd ed., 3 vols. in 4, Leipzig 1887-98, repr. Hildesheim 1962

Bonner, S. F., The Literary Treatises of Dionysius of Halicarnassus, A Study in the Development of Critical Method, Cambridge 1939, repr. Amsterdam 1969

Bowersock, G. W., "Pseudo-Xenophon," HSCP 71 (1966) 33ff.

Buchner, E., Der Panegyrikos des Isokrates: eine historisch-philologische Untersuchung, Historia: Einzelschriften, Heft 2, Wiesbaden 1958

Carawan, E., "The Tetralogies and Athenian Homicide Trials," AJP 114 (1993) 235-70

Chantraine, P., La stylistique grecque, Paris 1951

M. Tulli Ciceronis Brutus, ed. A. E. Douglas, Oxford 1966

[Cicero], Ad C. Herennium de Ratione Dicendi (Rhetorica ad Herennium), ed. and trans. H. Caplan, Loeb Classical Library: Cicero, vol. I, Cambridge, Mass./London 1954

M. Tulli Ciceronis ad M. Brutum Orator, ed. J. E. Sandys, Cambridge 1885

M. Tulli Ciceronis Rhetorica, ed. A. S. Wilkins, 2 vols., Oxford 1902-3 (OCT)

Cole, T., The Origins of Rhetoric in Ancient Greece, Baltimore 1991

Consigny, S., "The Styles of Gorgias," Rhetoric Society Quarterly 22 (1992) 43-53

Croll, M. W., "Attic" and Baroque Prose Style: The Anti-Ciceronian Movement, Princeton 1966

Cooper, G. L. III (after K. W. Krueger), Attic Greek Prose Syntax, 2 vols., Ann Arbor 1998

De Groot, A. W., Der Antike Prosarhythmus [= continuation of the title below], Groningen 1921

-----, A Handbook of Antique Prose-Rhythm, vol. I, Groningen 1919

Demetrios: Aristotle, Poetics, ed. and trans. S. Halliwell; Longinus, On the Sublime, ed. and trans. W. H., Fyfe (revised by D. A. Russell); Demetrius, On Style, ed. and trans. D. Innes (based on W. Rhys Roberts) (revised Loeb Library edition), Cambridge, MA 1995

Demetrii Phalerei qui dicitur De Elocutione libellus, ed. L. Radermacher, Leipzig 1901, repr. Stuttgart 1967

Demetrios, Du Style, ed. and trans. P. Chiron, Paris 1993 (Bude)

Demetrius on Style, ed. and trans. W. Rhys Roberts, Cambridge 1902

A Greek Critic: Demetrius on Style, trans. G. M. A. Grube, Toronto 1961

Denniston, J. D., The Greek Particles, 2nd ed., Oxford 1954

-----, Greek Prose Style, Oxford 1952

-----, Greek Literary Criticism, London 1924

Denys d'Halicarnasse, Opuscules Rhetoriques, ed. G. Aujac, 5 vols, Paris 1978-92

Devine, A. M., and Stephens, L. D., Discontinuous Syntax: Hyperbaton in Greek, New York/Oxford 2000

-----, The Prosody of Greek Speech, New York/Oxford 1994

Diels, H., ed. and trans., Die Fragmente der Vorsokratiker, 6th ed., ed. W. Kranz, 1952

Dik, H., Word Order in Ancient Greek: A Pragmatic Account of Word Order Variation in Herodotus, Amsterdam Studies in Classical Philology, vol. 5, Amsterdam 1995

Dik, S. C., Functional Grammar (Publications in Language Sciences 7), 3rd ed., Dordrecht/Cinnaminson 1981

Dionysii Halicarnasei Quae Exstant, vol V: Opuscula I, edd. H. Usener and L. Radermacher, Leipzig 1899, repr. Stuttgart 1965 (Teubner)

Dionysius of Halicarnassus, The Critical Essays, ed. and trans. S. Usher, 2 vols., Loeb Classical Library, Cambridge, Mass./London 1974-85

Dionysius of Halicarnassus, On Literary Composition, ed. and trans. W. Rhys Roberts, London 1910

Dionysius of Halicarnassus: On Thucydides, trans. W. K. Pritchett, Berkeley/Los Angeles/London 1975

Dionysius of Halicarnassus, The Three Literary Letters, ed. and trans. W. Rhys Roberts, Cambridge 1901

Dittenberger, W., Orientis Graeci Inscriptiones Selectae, 2 vols., 1903-5, repr. Hildesheim/New York 1970

Dover, K. J., The Evolution of Greek Prose Style, Oxford 1997

-----, Greek Word Order, Cambridge 1960

-----, Lysias and the Corpus Lysiacum, Sather Classical Lectures: Vol. 39, Berkeley/Los Angeles 1968

Easterling, P. E., and Knox, B. M. W., edd., Cambridge History of Greek Literature, Cambridge 1985

Enos, R. L., Greek Rhetoric before Aristotle, Prospect Hts., Illinois 1993

Fehling, Detlev, Die Wiederholungsfiguren und ihr Gebrauch bei den Griechen vor Gorgias, Berlin 1969

Finley, J. H., "Euripides and Thucydides," HSCP 49 (1938) 23-68

------, "The Origins of Thucydides' Style," HSCP 50 (1939) 35-84

------, Three Essays on Thucydides, Cambridge, Mass. 1967-, Thucydides, Cambridge, Mass. 1947

Fraenkel, E., "Kolon und Satz, I", "Kolon und Satz, II", "Nachtraege zur 'Kolon und Satz II'", Kleine Beitraege zur klassischen Philologie, Rome 1964, vol. 1, pp. 73-139 (repr. from Nachrichten der Goettinger Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften, Phil.-hist. Klasse 1932, pp. 197-213 and 1933, pp. 319-254; the Nachtraege first published here)

Gautier. L., La langue de Xenophon, Geneva 1911

Goodwin, W. W., Syntax of the Moods and Tenses of the Greek Verb, 1889, repr. New York 1965

Gotoff, H. C., Cicero's Caesarian Speeches: A Stylistic Commentary, Chapel Hill 1993

-----, Cicero's Elegant Style: An Analysis of the Pro Archia, Urbana/Chicago/London 1979

-----, "Thrasymachus of Calchedon and Ciceronian Style," CP 75 (1980) 297-311

Grube, G. M. A., The Greek and Roman Critics, London 1965

Hermogenes, Opera, ed. H. Rabe, Leipzig 1913, repr. Stuttgart 1969 (Teubner)

Hermogenes' On Types of Style, trans. C. Wooten, Chapel Hill/London 1987

Horrocks, G., Greek: A History of the Language and its Speakers, London/New York 1997

Johnson, W. R., Luxuriance and Economy: Cicero and the Alien Style, University of California Publications: Classical Studies, vol. 6, Berkeley 1971

Kennedy, G., "Aristotle on the Period," HSCP 63 (1958) 283-288

-----, The Art of Persuasion in Greece, Princeton 1963

-----, The Art of Rhetoric in the Roman World, Princeton 1972

-----, Classical Rhetoric and its Christian and Secular Tradition from Ancient to Modern Times, Chapel Hill 1980

-----, Greek Rhetoric Under Christian Emperors, Princeton 1983

-----, A New History of Classical Rhetoric, Princeton 1994

Lanham, R. A., A Handlist of Rhetorical Terms, 2nd ed., Berkeley 1991

Laughton, E., "Cicero and the Greek Orators," AJP 82 (1961) 27-49

Ledger, G. R., Re-counting Plato: A Computer Analysis of Plato's Style, Oxford 1989

Longinus: Aristotle, Poetics, ed. and trans. S. Halliwell; Longinus, On the Sublime, ed. and trans. W. H., Fyfe (revised by D. A. Russell); Demetrius, On Style, ed. and trans. D. Innes (based on W. Rhys Roberts) (revised Loeb Library edition), Cambridge, MA 1995

Longinus, On the Sublime, ed. and trans. W. Rhys Roberts, 2nd ed., Cambridge 1907

Longinus, On the Sublime, ed. D. A. Russell, Oxford 1964 (edition with commentary; OCT 1968)

McCabe, D. F., The Prose-Rhythm of Demosthenes (Diss. Harvard 1980), New York 1981

Norden, E., Die antike Kunstprosa, 2 vols., 4th ed., 1918-23, repr. Stuttgart 1958

-----, Agnostos Theos, Untersuchungen zur Formengeschichte religioeser Rede, 2nd ed., Leipzig/Berlin 1923, repr. Darmstadt 1956

O'Sullivan, Neil, Alcidamas, Aristophanes, and the Beginnings of Greek Stylistic Theory, Stuttgart 1992

Packard, D., "Sound-Patterns in Homer," TAPA 104 (1974) 239-260

Palmer, L. R., The Greek Language, London/Boston 1980

Patterson, A., Hermogenes and the Renaissance, Seven Ideas of Style, Princeton 1970

Pearson, L., The Art of Demosthenes, Meisenheim 1976, repr.. Ann Arbor 1981

-----, "Hiatus and its Effects in the Attic Speech-Writers," TAPA 108 (1978) 131-145

Plato, Gorgias, ed. E. R. Dodds, Oxford 1959

Plato, Symposium, ed. K. J. Dover, Cambridge 1980

Quintiliani Institutionis Oratoriae Liber X, ed. W. Peterson, 2nd ed., Oxford 1903

M. Fabi Quintiliani Institutionis Oratoriae Libri Duodecim, ed. M. Winterbottom, 2 vols, Oxford 1970 (OCT)

Reinhard, L., Die Anakoluthe bei Platon, Berlin 1920

Rickert, E., New Methods for the Study of Literature, Chicago 1927

Riddell, J., A Digest of Platonic Idioms, Oxford 1867, repr. Amsterdam 1967

Rijksbaron, A., The Syntax and Semantics of the Verb in Classical Greek, second ed., Amsterdam 1994

Roberts, W. Rhys, Greek Rhetoric and Literary Criticism, New York 1928

Ronnet, G., Etude sur le style de Demosthene dans les discours politiques, Paris 1951

Russell, D. A., Classical Literary Criticism, rev. ed., Oxford 1989

-----, Greek Declamation, Cambridge/New York 1983

Russell, D. A. and Winterbottom, M., edd., Ancient Literary Criticism: The Principal Texts in New Translations, Oxford 1972

Schenkeveld, D. M., Studies in Demetrius on Style, Amsterdam 1964

Sihler, A. L., New Comparative Grammar of Greek and Latin, Oxford 1995

Stanford, W. B., The Sound of Greek, Sather Classical Lectures: Vol. 38, Berkeley/Los Angeles 1967

Thesleff, H., Studies in the Styles of Plato, Acta philosophica Fennica: fasc. 20, Helsinki 1967

Thomas, R., Literacy and Orality in Ancient Greece, Cambridge 1992

-----, Oral Tradition and Written Record in Classical Athens, Cambridge 1989

Thucydides: Gomme, A. W., Andrewes, A., and Dover, K. J., A Historical Commentary on Thucydides, 5 vols., Oxford 1956-8

Too, Yun Lee, The Rhetoric of Identity in Isocrates: Text, Power, Pedagogy, Cambridge 1995

Usher, S., "The Style of Isocrates," Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies (London University) 20 (1973) 39-67

Webster, T. B. L., "A Study of Greek Sentence Contruction," AJP 62 (1941) 385-415

Woodhouse, S. C., English-Greek Dictionary, London 1910 (repr. London/New York 1985)

Woodman, A. J., Rhetoric in Classical Historiography, London/Portland, Oregon 1988

NOTE: this bibliography was adapted from